
I'm a PhD student in the field of computational ecology, focusing on building complex simulations to predict how human activity will influence biodiversity. I enjoy solving problems through code and have gained experience in various areas of software engineering and data science, both through my research and other projects. Moving forward, I would like to work on projects that allow me to apply these skills, preferably in ways that bridge the gap between programming and sustainability.

A portrait of me

Experience / Education

Doctoral Candidate
2021 - present
Graduate School of Life Sciences | University of Würzburg
"Biodiversity in Germany under Anthropogenic Threats"
2021 - 2023
Part of "bayklif", the Bavarian network for climate research
Contributed simulations for climate impact on insects in Bavaria
Student Assistant
2019 - 2021
University of Würzburg
Technical support including data analysis and teaching assistance
Master of Science
2019 - 2021
Biosciences: 1.2 | University of Würzburg
"A Mechanistic Range Model for Orthoptera in Bavaria"
Research Internship
Black Forest National Park
Machine learning-based species classification
Bachelor of Science
2015 - 2019
Biology: 1.9 | University of Würzburg
"Changes in Avian Biodiversity along a Gradient of Bark Beetle Disturbance"


German (first language), English (fluent), Dutch (understanding)
Programming languages:
R (fluent), JavaScript (proficient), C++, Python, Julia (familiar)
Git, SVN, Linux, CI/CD, DevOps, Unit testing, HPC cluster (SLURM)
Model development:
Data pre-processing, Parameter optimization, Model selection
Data analysis & visualization:
Statistics, Time series, Predictions, Uncertainty analysis, Spatial data
Game development:
OSS contributor; UI / UX, Game Logic, Random map generation
Web development:
Hand-crafting responsive websites (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Main thesis programming project: "metaRange"

I developed and still maintain an open-source R package and framework that allows users to simulate multiple species and their interactions in a high resolution, changing environment. It consists of R code (user API) and C++ code (application core) and is accompanied by extensive documentation (across multiple websites) that details its possible uses.


Doctoral scholarship : Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) | 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2024


* Note: I was also part of the organization team of YoMos / of the marked conferences


metaRange: A framework to build mechanistic range models
2024-03-10 | Preprint | DOI: 10.1101/2024.03.07.583922
Stefan Fallert; Lea Li; Juliano Sarmento Cabral

The road to integrate climate change projections with regional land-use-biodiversity models
People and Nature
2023-05-24 | Journal article | DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10472
Juliano Sarmento Cabral; Alma Mendoza-Ponce; André Pinto da Silva; Johannes Oberpriller; Anne Mimet; Julia Kieslinger; Thomas Berger; Jana Blechschmidt; Maximilian Brönner; Alice Claßen; Stefan Fallert et al.

User-Centered Engineering of an Interactive Land Use Exploration Tool
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)
2023 | Conference paper | DOI: 10.2312/envirvis.20231109
Tobias Buhl; David Marcomin; Stefan Fallert; Jana Blechschmidt; Franziska Bönisch; Robert Mark; Juliano Sarmento Cabral; Sebastian von Mammen; Soumya Dutta; Kathrin Feige et al.